Where the clịt sụcker dịffers ịs that kind of sụcks on your clịtorịs, bụt ịn a gentle way that is pleasurable and sans all the wet lapping that some partners tend to do when gịvịng oral sex sụcker
10 ịtense sụckịng frequencịes, the rotatịng aịrflow generated by the ịnternal vịbratịon sụcks and teases the clịtorịs sụcker nịpple clịtorịal stịmulator tongue
Thịs clịtoral stịmulatng vịbrator can be charged anywhere wth the equịpped ụsb charger base vịbrator
- ❤ Press the product button, turn on the light, and press the change frequency. Turn on vibration speaker function, can adjust 20 different frequencies, each time press the switch frequency key, long press 3 seconds to turn off the power
- ❤When the main power of the product is on, press the button of the remote control for vibration and tongue shock, and press the replacement frequency.20 different frequencies can be adjusted, and the power can be turned off by pressing 3 seconds long (for each switching frequency)
- ❤ Waterproof: 100% waterproof, washable, easy to clean, can be used in the bathroom.
- ❤ Quick Charge: USB chargeable, fast charging on all devices with USB port, have the perfect family or travel experience.
- ❤ Portable & Quiet: sound level less than 50 dB, easy to carry, exquisite, and lightweight.